📢 Breaking News: Shortlisted startups for herSTART Accelerator Program Announced

Rudri Pandya’s startup 6E recycles Sewage Water to avert future crisis

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6E focuses on remote monitoring and optimising MBR sewage treatment plants and water monitoring systems using IoT and Machine Learning on the Swadeshi microprocessor. Inspired by the the fact that 38 billion litres of sewage water are dumped daily in India due to the high construction and maintenance cost of STPs, combined with the grim water availability scenario, the founders developed the IoT-enabled sewage treatment plant.

“This project will treat wastewater scientifically and hygienically. Recycling will reduce stress on freshwater resources and make them last five times longer,” Rudri explains. The pilot plant will be ready by September 2021, and the product will be marketable by January 2022, she shares. By the end of 2022, the startup aims to have 50 units in Ahmedabad.

She says that establishing the entire industrial automation of STP on RISC V-based Swadeshi microprocessor VEGA AS1061 was the most exciting part of the project. In the future, the startup also wants to address the problem of sanitation.

Rudri’s favourite innovator is SpaceX founder Elon Musk whose goals, she says, include reducing global warming by use of sustainable energy production and consumption.

She and team member Kavan are each other’s go-to persons when they feel uninspired. When asked for an opinion on the glass ceiling that seldom creates a hindrance for women, she says that she never encountered any glass ceiling, she feels more women can be encouraged to become innovators by introducing them to current problem scenarios and providing funding opportunities. She believes that equal opportunities for everyone can bridge the gap between male and female entrepreneurs.

“Splendid. I am looking forward to learning new things,” was what she had to say about her journey with herSTART 2.0.

Her favourite quote: The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.

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